Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday, July 15th

More pictures:!/media/set/?set=a.10150241108803789.335734.538788788

Today was a day to say goodbye to Joplin.  After waking up and cleaning up Good Shepherd, we loaded up the vans and suv and headed to Joplin for one last look and time to pray.  We had to say goodbye to those we worked with and to the places that have created memories of this trip.  After that, we were off to St. Louis.  For the next two nights, we will be staying at Concordia Lutheran Church.  They have opened up their building to us.  After unloading, we went downtown and visited the St. Louis Arch along the banks of the Mississippi.  It was an amazing sight.  We went up to to the top and had an awesome view of the river and the city of St. Louis.  When we were done, we just sat on some steps overlooking the Mississippi and let it soak in.  It was relaxing.  Then the tradition continued...Chinese Buffet. 

Our closing devotion was on 1 Peter 1:13.  We talked about the memories we had, but also that we need to remember that we were there to share the grace of Jesus Christ.  What we did, from the littlest job to the hardest job, was sharing the message of Jesus Christ.  A great reminder of the purpose of this trip.

--- From the Youth

It is almost over.  One more day...well, a day of fun.  We did say our goodbyes to those we served with and took in the sights one more time.  I don't think we will be forgetting the sounds, pictures, smells, and discussions of Joplin soon.  I think we have a better appreciation of what it takes when a disaster strikes.  But through all of this, I think we know that God was present.  We heard it from those that lived there.  We saw it in pictures of crosses or the writing that someone painted or left at certain locations.  We know that people felt blessed to be alive and blessed that volunteers are there.  But the blessing was also given to us.  We were blessed during this trip.  We were blessed by the outpouring of love and support as we served.  We were blessed by the witness of those who lost everything.  This is something, I will never forget.

In His service,


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thursday, July 14th

More Pictures:

Today we were assigned to rip apart the base of a home.  The Joplin Angels (aka Rachel, Faith, and Allison) ripped up the deck like beasts.  The Squash and the Hulk (aka Ben and Erik) moved the massive rocks.    The temperatures were high but we toughed it out.   By the end of our shift, we had removed the entire decking and most of the outside foundation. 

Highlights ….  Girl power.   Meeting two new groups.  Having a great end to the work part of the week.  Getting excited to enjoy Six Flags.

 --- From the Youth
I have to admit, I’m kind of sad tonight.   Sure I’m tired...Sure it will be great to sleep in my own bed and see my family.  Sure it will be nice not have to shower at the YMCA (so thankful that they did open their facilities for us though).  But I’m still kind of sad.  In this week, I have heard stories.  I’ve seen destruction.  But I’ve also seen hope.  Hope in rebuilding.  Hope in the community.  Hope growing as a community of believers.  It has been an uplifting experience.   Our work time is done but I know that through the gifts God gave each person in our group, we did make a difference…all for His glory. 

In His service,

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wednesday, July 13th

New Pictures Posted.....!/media/set/?set=a.10150236381733789.334418.538788788&closeTheater=1

After rainstorms throughout the night, the rain continued throughout the morning.  It was a good thing for the city as it hasn’t had a good rain since the tornado.  The rain did hinder getting us out in the field, which at first was disappointing.  Many of us were assigned to Immanuel marking off barcodes from donated items.  It didn’t sound like fun at first, but after getting going and having a system, the job became a challenge for us.  We wanted to finish all the boxes.  Even though we didn’t accomplish that goal, we did finish marking off 10,400 fruit roll-ups, 9600 Cliff bars and 600 boxes of cereal all in one day.  Some of us enjoyed the break from outside work, but some didn’t enjoy the repetitive work.  Over all, it was a good day.  We did accomplish a lot and it did really the relief center.
Highlights … Kyle’s castle.  Experiences while delivering food and drinks.  The sense of accomplishment.  Wonderful words from others about how hard we work.

---- from the Youth

As mentioned before, it rained.  Through the night, we had thunder and rain.  It was a welcomed sight for the people of Joplin, as they really needed it.  It did make it cooler throughout the day and many were very thankful for this. 

Today, we had many different positive experiences.  We had the opportunity to listen to people’s stories who were affected by the tornado and talk with other churches who were also helping the tornado victims.  As our evening bible studies/devotions have talked about, we talked about our gifts that God has given.  We have been seeing this throughout the week.  We see the gifts God has blessed each youth with in each task.  We see that they can and will work hard to complete the task at hand and take pride in their work.  We see them with the compassionate listening ear to the stories that are being shared.  We see them laugh and come together as a group…and pray for each other.  This is awesome.  This is what we are here for.  This is a blessing from God.

Please continue to pray for us as heat and lack of sleep are starting to weigh on us.  Please pray for Kevin (a gentleman from Iowa who was also staying here with us).  He had to leave early due to gall stones.  Please pray for Bonnie as she struggles to figure out a way to get her mother’s (Millie) house fixed that was damaged in the tornado.  Also, please pray for our friends in Carlye, IL (also stayed here) who had to leave suddenly because of an unexpected death in their church.  Please pray for the hand of God to continue to lead the people of Joplin and volunteers. 

In His service,


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuesday, July 12th

Pictures from Today:

Work today was meaningful.  We actually accomplished the task…we moved one pile to the street.  Not just dirt, but wood and concrete.  It is a good feeling to have finished this task.

It is still amazing to see the damage.  Today we saw a car totally crunched into a ball.  We also had the opportunity to see a church that was destroyed but the cross still stands.

Each day we see something that really affects us.  Today we passed an empty lot that had wreaths and crosses on it.  It is an eerie sight knowing that people were killed here. 

Highlight….Ben and Erik (aka:  Sasquatch and Chuck Norris) were superheroes at cleaning up the big mess. 

--- From the Youth

The heat is starting to wear on us.  Three days here with all three having temperatures over 100 degrees.  Needless to say, we are drinking a lot of water and Gatorade.  We have also been blessed by other volunteers who have come by our work sites and offered us water and snacks. 
Please continue to pray for patience, rest, and cooler temperatures.  We know that the work we do is for the glory of God and we feel very blessed being here.  The people of Joplin and the surrounding communities are so thankful.  They continue to shower us with thanks.  It is a good feeling knowing that we are impacting the community. 

In His service,


Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday, July 11th

New pictures added:

Today we heard a true story as told by children caught in the tornado.   It is about the “butterfly people”.  It happened during the tornado, a father and his three young children were caught in the storm.  The father threw the children into the bathtub and he laid on top of them spreading his arms out to hold them down.  When the tornado passed, the only thing left of the home was the bathtub.  The children asked their father if they saw the “butterfly people”.  The father didn’t see them.  The children told their dad that the large one holding him down and there were little ones all around the tub protecting them. 

The team went out today to serve by moving debris to the curb so it can be removed.  The lot was cleared but much the debris was in an area that wouldn’t allow it to be removed.  The team started moving the piles to the right location.  It was hard work because of the amount of debris that needed to be moved. 

Faith and Erik are totally awesome kitchen workers.  We might have found their gift.  They made a great team cooking and cleaning dinner. 

It is hot…really not.  Yesterday was 109.  Today was 104 and tomorrow is forecasted to be 102.  We are looking forward to the cool 96 degrees coming on Wednesday.

---  From the Youth

Thank you again for allowing us this opportunity.  The youth are eager to serve and are jumping at any chance to be out in the community.  They have had the eyes open as many of them have had the chance to ride along handing out water and Gatorade to those working or people trying to clean up their homes.  Hearing “God bless you” or “thank you” and really know those people mean it is so rewarding.  Please continue to pray, not only for us, but for all those serving Joplin. 

In His service,


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday, July 10th

Click on the link to check out the pictures from Sunday, July 10th!/media/set/?set=a.10150236381733789.334418.538788788&closeTheater=1

Our first day was filled with highs and lows.  It was filled with gratitude and heartache.  It was eye opening.  As we talked in our evening devotion, we need to have a servant heart, no matter how small or insignificant you feel your job is.  It isn't about is about Him. 

It was a shock to our group to see the area hit by the tornado. A "war zone", "everything gone", "sad to know that people lost everything" were just of the phrases used to describe the area. It is hard to was numbing. I had to fight to hold back tears when I first saw the scene.  But it isn't just about those who lost everything.  The tornado effected the whole city...even those who lost nothing.  You can see it in their faces, in their voices...they are so thankful that we (all volunteers) are here.

We woke up today greeted by the wonderful people of Good Shepherd, Carthage, MO.  They have opened their church to us and it has been wonderful.  The people here are so thankful that we came "all this way" to help their neighbors in Joplin.  Their stories about people they know or just their smile was a big lift to all of us.

We traveled to Immanuel Lutheran, Joplin for worship this morning.  We had the opportunity to worship side by side with people we will be helping or working with.  What a great feeling.   After lunch the work began.  There was wonder of why we were looking for the littlest pieces of glass in a field next to Immanuel.  But without complaining, they did it.  A few also had the opportunity to drive around the neighborhoods hardest hit and hand out drinks to people who were working or trying to clean up.  Then the call came that Mike was in need of major help and quickly.  Our whole group followed Mike to his home and helped him clean out drywall, cover areas of his home with plastic and also gave his home a good floor cleaning.  To see the look on Mike's face as we finished was all worth it.

Lows...picking up glass.  The heat.  Seeing the destruction.  Seeing the "death" number.
Highs...People thanking us.  Helping Mike in his home.   Handing out cool drinks to people.

More work to come.  I know that the Lord will bless the work we are doing.  Major high...seeing the cross still standing even though the church around it was gone! 

To God be the glory.  Keep praying for the people here in Joplin and those volunteering to serve.   The youth will post their experiences and thoughts starting tomorrow. 

In His service,


Sunday Morning

We are here.  After a long day of driving, we pulled into Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Carthage, MO (our host for the week) around 10:30 pm.  After a good night sleep, we are up and rolling. 

Today we will worship at Immanuel Lutheran in Joplin, MO.  It will be wonderful to worship side by side with those we are helping.  People here in Carthage have told us to be prepared, but everyone here is so thankful for us coming down to help.  We haven't even started, but already it feels right being here.

We will post again tonight.  Continued prayers for everyone here as we start our service for those here.  In His service.